Bis heute fragen sich Physikerinnen und Physiker: Braucht die Quantenmechanik hyperkomplexe Zahlen? Die FAU-Forschenden Ece Ipek Saruhan, Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier und Dr. Marc-Oliver Pleinert sind der Frage nachgegangen.
Vor genau 100 Jahren formulierten Werner Heisenberg, Max Born und Pascua...
During this last week of February we had Émile Geyer (9th grade) from Melanchthon-Gymnasium in Nürnberg visiting our group to do a Praktikum course. He managed to learn how to set up the experiments of Young Double Slit Interference and Michelson Interferometer, and he also measured the wavelength o...
Our article Multipath and Multiparticle Tests of Complex versus Hypercomplex Quantum Theory has been published in Physical Review Letters.
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.134.060201
The axioms of quantum mechanics provide limited information regarding the structure of the Hilbert space, s...
Today, Manuel successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Spatio-temporal correlations of ensembles of multi-level atoms. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Bojer.
Our article TEMPUS, a Timepix4-based system for the event-based detection of X-rays has been published in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation.
DOI: 10.1107/S1600577524005319
TEMPUS is a new detector system being developed for photon science. It is based on the Timepix4 chip and, thus,...
Check out or new preprint titled On-sky demonstration of an ultra-fast intensity interferometry instrument utilising hybrid single photon counting detectors!
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2408.08173
Intensity interferometry is a reemerging astronomical technique for performing high angular...
Our article An Image-Based Prior Knowledge-Free Approach for a Multi-Material Decomposition in Photon-Counting Computed Tomography has been published in MDPI Diagnostics:
Photon-counting CT systems generally allow for acquiring multipl...
Imagine you have an exciting new research question in mind, but there is no fitting equipment to build the setup. So why not build it yourself? This question arose to Stefan Richter, Sebastian Karl and Verena Gabriele Leopold. Their goal: measuring the diameter of stars.
Read more in SAOT's Resea...
Our article Phase retrieval in incoherent diffractive imaging using higher-order photon correlation functions has been published in New Journal of Physics.
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ad5227
To obtain spatial information about an arbitrary atomic distribution in x-ray structure analysis...
Our Article Studying the phase diagram of the three-flavor Schwinger model in the presence of a chemical potential with measurement- and gate-based quantum computing has been published in Physical Review D:
Doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.114508
We propose an ansatz quantum circuit for t...