SAOT - the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies - just released the new brochure “Photonics Research in Erlangen“. It contains a detailed overview on research groups and investigators working on photonics and optical technologies in Erlangen.
The QOQI group is represented wit...
Marc has won the SAOT Student Award 2022 in the topic Optical Metrology. The prize is awarded for his contribution Testing Higher-Order Quantum Interference with Many-Particle States . The prize was handed out at the occasion of the SAOT Young Researcher’s Award Ceremony which has taken place on Jul...
Marc's PhD Thesis entitled Testing Quantum Theory with Higher-Order Interference in Many-Particle Correlations has been selected for the book series Springer Theses - Recognizing Outstanding Ph.D. Research.
To be published there, the following criteria must be met:
They must be written in go...
Our Article A quantitative comparison of amplitude versus intensity interferometry for astronomy has been published in New Journal of Physics:
New J. Phys. 24 043026
Astronomical imaging can be broadly classified into two types. The first type is amplitude interferometry, which inc...
Marc was awarded with the "Ohm-Preis" (award for the best theses of the academic year by the the Department of Physics at FAU for the promotion of young scientists) for his PhD thesis "Testing quantum theory with higher-order interference in many-particle correlations". During the academic graduatio...
Are you interested in quantum optics and/or condensed matter physics? Do you want to study many-body quantum systems, complex matter systems, quantum cooperativity and the many interesting questions at the intersections of these topics in more detail?
Are you an excellent prospective female Maste...
Our Article Comparing different approaches for stellar intensity interferometry has been published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society:
MNRAS 512, 1722–1729 (2022)
Stellar intensity interferometers correlate photons within their coherence time and cou...
Our Article Different types of coherence: Young-type interference versus Dicke superradiance has been published in Physical Review A:
Phys. Rev. A 104, 052401
Dicke superradiance, i.e., the enhanced spontaneous emission of coherent radiation, is often attributed to radiation emitt...
On its online portal Research in Bavaria, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts released an article entitled Quantum Mechanics 2.0 - Developing Real-World Applications through Multidisciplinary Research covering quantum technology development here in Erlangen. The article discusses