
Our article Light of Two Atoms in Free Space: Bunching or Antibunching? has been published as Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 063603. Abstract: Photon statistics divides light sources into three different categories, characterized by bunched, antibunched, or uncorrelated photon arrival times. Single ato...

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Our article Ghost imaging at an XUV free-electron laser has been published as Phys. Rev. A 101, 013820. Abstract: Here we present the results of a classical ghost imaging experiment accomplished at an XUV free-electron laser (FEL). To perform such experiment at an FEL source each x-ray pulse was...

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Today, Anton successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Enhancing x-ray diffractive imaging and optical microscopy by use of intensity correlations. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Classen.

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Today, Daniel successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Quantum Coherences of Nonclassical and Classical Sources. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Bhatti.

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Today, Raimund successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Correlation experiments and data evaluation techniques with classical light sources in space and time. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Schneider.

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Today, Thomas successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Multiphoton interferences: fundamentals and applications. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Mehringer.

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