Two of our articles have recently been accepted in OSA Journals. The first one, Photon statistics as an interference phenomenon, has been published in Optics Letters.
Interference of light fields, first postulated by Young, is one of the fundamental pillars of physics. Dirac extended...
Two of our articles have recently been published in APS Journals. The first one, Directional Dicke Subradiance with Nonclassical and Classical Light Sources, has been published in PRL.
We investigate Dicke subradiance of N≥2 distant quantum sources in free space, i.e., the spatial em...
Today, Simon successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Multi-Photon Interferences of Quantum Emitters in Space and Time. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Mährlein.
Our recently published Nature Physics paper "Quantum imaging with incoherently scattered light from a free-electron laser" (Article) has been highlighted in a picture caption story entitled "Incoherent Success" in the January 2018 issue of Nature Photonics. The article, written by one of the editors...
Our new method of “Incoherent Diffractive Imaging” to achieve full 3D structure analysis of incoherently scattering atoms in crystals and molecules based on higher order intensity correlations has been highlighted in a „Brennpunktartikel“ of the December issue of the Physik Journal by Jörg Evers fro...
In collaboration with the University of Hamburg and the research facility DESY, our group has succeeded for the first time in revealing tiny structures using an imaging method that relies on the usual diffraction of light, but which does not require the scattered light to be coherent. With conventio...
Our article Incoherent Diffractive Imaging via Intensity Correlations of hard X-rays has been published in PRL. See also the press release of the university here (in German).
Established x-ray diffraction methods allow for high-resolution structure determination of crystals, crystalliz...
Marc-Oliver Pleinert, a PhD student of our group, has successfully applied for a scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (German Academic Scholarship Foundation). Starting 01.08.2017, he will receive academic and financial support.
Anton Classen, Ph.D. student in our group, has won the SAOT Student Award 2017 in Optical Metrology. The prize is awarded for his contribution Superresolving Imaging of Arbitrary One-Dimensional Arrays of Thermal Light Sources Using Multiphoton Interference (PRL 117, 253601, 2016). The prize and the...
Our article Hyperradiance from collective behavior of coherently driven atoms has been published as Optica 4, 779-785 (2017).
The collective behavior of ensembles of atoms has been studied in-depth since the seminal paper of Dicke , where he demonstrated that a group of emitters in col...