
Two of our articles have recently been accepted in OSA Journals. The first one, Photon statistics as an interference phenomenon, has been published in Optics Letters. Abstract: Interference of light fields, first postulated by Young, is one of the fundamental pillars of physics. Dirac extended...

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Two of our articles have recently been published in APS Journals. The first one, Directional Dicke Subradiance with Nonclassical and Classical Light Sources, has been published in PRL. Abstract: We investigate Dicke subradiance of N≥2 distant quantum sources in free space, i.e., the spatial em...

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Today, Simon successfully defended his PhD thesis with the title Multi-Photon Interferences of Quantum Emitters in Space and Time. After a bit of bureaucracy, he may call himself Dr. Mährlein.

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Our recently published Nature Physics paper "Quantum imaging with incoherently scattered light from a free-electron laser" (Article) has been highlighted in a picture caption story entitled "Incoherent Success" in the January 2018 issue of Nature Photonics. The article, written by one of the editors...

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Our article Incoherent Diffractive Imaging via Intensity Correlations of hard X-rays has been published in PRL. See also the press release of the university here (in German). Abstract: Established x-ray diffraction methods allow for high-resolution structure determination of crystals, crystalliz...

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Anton Classen, Ph.D. student in our group, has won the SAOT Student Award 2017 in Optical Metrology. The prize is awarded for his contribution Superresolving Imaging of Arbitrary One-Dimensional Arrays of Thermal Light Sources Using Multiphoton Interference (PRL 117, 253601, 2016). The prize and the...

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Our article Hyperradiance from collective behavior of coherently driven atoms has been published as Optica 4, 779-785 (2017). Abstract: The collective behavior of ensembles of atoms has been studied in-depth since the seminal paper of Dicke , where he demonstrated that a group of emitters in col...

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