This years Christmas gathering took place in Fürth, where we visited the Christmas market and enjoyed some original "Christkindles" Christmas mulled wine. Later we had good German cuisine at "Stadtwappen", where we spent the rest of a cheerful evening.
We are happy to welcome some new members to our group: Michael Enders as a bachelor student and Uwe Frank and Stefan Richter as master students. Marc-Oliver Pleinert who finished his master thesis is working as a PhD student now.
On July 5, our yearly excursion led us to nice hiking trails next to Pottenstein. In best weather we explored the "Großes Hasenloch", enjoyed a good Franconian lunch and afterwards climbed the "Pottensteiner Himmelsleiter".
We are happy to welcome some new members to our group: Daniel Häupl as a bachelor student and Manuela Meier and Karl Pelka who both did already their bachelor thesis here as master students.
Peter Deiml, Julian Wechs, Simon Theil and Felix Waldmann finished their work and we thank them for their co...
On October 24th, our group represented the institute of optics at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften ('Long Night of Science'). As a phenomenon fundamental to quantum optics, we illustrated the wave-particly-duality to many interested visitors. Experiments like the photoelectic effect, Young's doubl...
Daniel Bhatti, Ph.D. student in our group, was awarded with the Ohm price for his master's thesis Super- and Subradiance and Violation of Bell Inequalities with Classical Light Sources.
This year's excursion on September 29 led our group to the "Fränkische Schweiz", where we climbed the Eibgrat in the best weather and enjoyed a good Franconian lunch afterwards.
Steffen Oppel, former Ph.D. student in our group, has won the SAOT student award 2013 in Optical materials and Systems. The prize is awarded for his leading contribution and co-authorship in the publication Superresolving Multiphoton Interferences with Independent Light Sources, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109...
In a theoretical proposal from 2011, our group had shown that it is possible to entangle two photons, which do not exist at the same time (R. Wiegner et al., Optics Letters 36, 1512 (2011)). This can be demonstrated for example in a system of two atoms each emitting a single photon which are detecte...